The technical experience of our team and the professional demands that we impose allow us to carry out an excellent execution of the services we offer. We focus our activity solely on the photovoltaic sector, since we consider that this is the most efficient form of energy production in the industrial and private sector. Likewise, we are aware that specialization is necessary to always be up to date with all technological innovations and legislative developments related to the sector.
If your home has a consumption of more than 100 Euros per month, it is very likely that you will be interested in installing a photovoltaic system. In this way, you will reduce your energy expenditure , take care of the environment, and minimize your dependence on the country’s large energy companies.
Our industrial self-consumption solutions are focused on improving the competitiveness of companies through the reduction of operating costs.
We work with high quality materials and make conservative estimates, ensuring that the useful life and benefits generated by the photovoltaic installation are always equal to or greater than expected.
The Energy Communities are a key instrument to promote the energy transition and the democratization of energy, by developing a distributed and renewable generation in the territory and involving in this process the transformation of both citizens and municipal entities.
As we said, our work does not end when we put the photovoltaic installation into operation: delivery is only the beginning.
We understand that our clients want to have the peace of mind of knowing that their installation will be in good condition throughout its useful life, and that is why through our maintenance service, we guarantee the good functioning of the photovoltaic installation.
More and more families and companies are incorporating electric vehicles into their fleet. In these cases, it is highly recommended to have one or several charging points installed. Thus, you can ensure that the vehicle is recharged during work or rest hours and give more stability to your mobility.
Taking advantage of parking areas to install photovoltaic panels on awnings is a very good option, given that an unproductive space is used while parked cars can have shade, something very appreciated during the hot seasons.
Incorporating batteries into photovoltaic installations is not usually done for reasons of profitability, but to have energy independence , to have energy in areas where the electrical network does not reach, or to guarantee the supply of energy in case there is a problem in the electrical network
If you want to promote the execution of a solar garden, we are you Epecista . In other words, we take care of the engineering tasks, obtaining permits, executing projects, and carrying out environmental studies and technical and economic viability.
With our PPA contracts, save and don’t pay for your installation.
From Fotovol we assume that, at a financial level, the most interesting option for an industry is usually to assume the costs of its photovoltaic installation. In this way, you will benefit from the entire profitability of an investment that is amortized in approximately 3 and a half years, and its useful life is 30 years.
Fem confluïr
sostenibilitat i benefici
La teva enginyeria i instal·ladora
de sistemes fotovoltaics.
C. dels Roures, 8
17111 Vulpellac
C. dels Roures, 8
17111 Vulpellac
De dilluns a dijous de 9 h a 18 h
i divendres de 9 h a 15 h
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